Paramount has “a plan” for Star Trek movies, says Roddenberry executive

Paramount Pictures reportedly has “a plan” for the future of Star Trek movies, according to Roddenberry Entertainment’s Trevor Roth.

Star Trek, movies, Chris Pine, Kirk

It’s been eight years since the release of the last Star Trek movie, which, believe it or not, is actually the largest gap between movies since the franchise first hit the big screen in 1979. There have been several potential Star Trek movies in the works during those years, but they have either been scrapped or stuck in development hell. We still don’t know exactly what the future will bring, but Paramount apparently has “a plan” for the franchise’s return to theaters.

ScreenRant spoke with Roddenberry Entertainment COO Trevor Roth, who assured fans that there is a plan in the works. While I might be tempted to say that it feels like Paramount is just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, I would love to see a proper Star Trek movie once again. Fingers crossed.

I am not able to say much, but I can say that it is Paramount’s intent to figure out the Star Trek side of movies and what’s going on there,” Roth said. “There’s every intent of a new movie coming out in the very near future. There’s a lot of secrecy around what’s going to happen there. But there is a plan getting into place. And we’re very excited to see it return to the big screen.

Roth continued: “And I will tell you that you want to do it the right way. And yet, practical things get in [the way]. People a lot of times are like, ‘Oh, why isn’t this happening or that happening?’ And sometimes those questions are really good questions. And other times, there’s a lot you don’t know that is happening behind the scenes that can make things more difficult than you would think. So all in all, we’re getting there to my understanding, and we’re excited, and plans are being put in place. And I know that from the standpoint of the studio, there is no lack of recognition of wanting and needing a Star Trek film coming out.

At the moment, there are several Star Trek movies in development, including Star Trek 4, which will be the “final chapter” of the J.J. Abrams crew, as well as a prequel taking place decades before the 2009 movie set to be helmed by Star Wars: Andor director Toby Haynes. As it happens, the next movie to be released will actually be Star Trek: Section 31, a spinoff of Star Trek: Discovery starring Michelle Yeoh as Philippa Georgiou. The film is currently in production and will be a Paramount+ exclusive.

Source: ScreenRant

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9965 Articles Published

Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.