The Happening deets

A lot is riding on M. Night Shyamalan’s next feature THE HAPPENING, not just with his career, but with the fans he’s made from THE SIXTH SENSE, UNBREAKABLE and SIGNS. A Philadelphia blog called posted some cell phone pics from the set recently, where you can see Night and the movie’s star Mark Wahlberg on set (Zooey Deschanel and John Leguizamo co-star).

But what’s more interesting, is that they’re now posting some spoilery and pretty horrific plot details from a ‘reliable source’, and we all know that sources that are reliable are the best kind. I went ahead and read the details/spoilers, and although much is revealed, I hope I didn’t go out and ruin the movie for myself. I’m not going to post them up here in case you don’t want to read the details, but apparently the natural crisis that is a threat to mankind is an airborne virus that makes people want to kill themselves. Yeah, it’s called reality. Also, for the record, no matter how much you may dislike Night’s previous two efforts (I haven’t even bothered with LADY IN THE WATER) you always have to give him the benefit of the doubt. There’s just too much talent there. Check out the rest of the details HERE.

Source:, Cinematical

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