Zom Honeymoon 2?

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

Have you guys caught the undead horror indie ZOMBIE HONEYMOON yet? If not, I highly recommend you do. It’s different, scary, funny, and dare I say it, strangely heart-warming. The flick was made by Jersey’s own David Gebroe (above). It was basically the film that really put him on the horror map. Now for the cool news…

Apparently, Gebroe has developed a strong idea for a HONEYMOON sequel! Here’s what the man had to say: “I’ve been working on an idea for ZOMBIE HONEYMOON II. I’ve been in talks with the lead actress, Tracy Coogan (below), about reprising her role of Denise, and we’re excited about the prospect of working together again. I just need financing, and we’re ready to go. I always figured I wouldn’t bother working on a sequel unless the first one was successful enough to warrant it. Well, ZOMBIE HONEYMOON definitely was, so there’s certainly an audience for a follow-up.”

I couldn’t agree more, and considering Gebroe’s penchant for crafting well-thought-out, meaningful stories (as opposed to trash), I bet he’d only be making this sequel statement if he had something really pertinent cooked up. While no plot details have been revealed yet, Gebroe did say, “I have a great concept to keep the idea fresh and unpredictable enough over the course of a second installment.” Nice! I’ll be looking out for any further info in the future.

Source: Fangoria

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