Pop-Up Movie Facts: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

What happens when you blow up something that belongs to The Empire? The Empire strikes back is what happens, which is probably why the named the film THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. This is the second installment in that galaxy far far away and many consider this their favorite. The perfect sequel, some would say, building off the first one and staying true to it’s cinematic soul while also adding new fresh elements to keep the audience guessing. The Force is with this movie. So before that new solo SOLO film zooms into theaters, catch up on some trivia. It will help you impress the ladies. Trust me. Now it is time for you, young Jedi, to venture off into the scary world of YouTube and watch the newest episode of JoBlo’s POP-UP MOVIE FACTS!     

Source: JoBlo.com

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