Reactions from Game of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey on Season 6

Last Updated on August 2, 2021


As far as TV is concerned, both Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey have been kicking some serious ass, and they just happen to be on the same show. As per the recently announced Emmy nominations (you can check out the list here), Clarke and Heady have both been nominated for Supporting Actress in a Drama (as Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister, respectively). Well deserved, no doubt, but when the two were done talking about their Emmy nominations, they couldn't wait to give their initial reactions to the scripts for Season 6!

Lena Headey on what's coming in Season 6:

Every year you go ‘What?! Whaaaat!?’ and having read these, it’s the same feeling again…there’s a lot to be very excited about.

Emilia Clarke on her initial reactions:

I’m looking forward to absolutely every part of it, it’s like go-go-go from episode one. You know how sometimes it’s like, ‘we’re just going to remind you and warm you up: remember this and remember that and I bet you forgot his name…’ sort of thing? It’s literally like ‘oh yeah, no chance to catch up, here you go, we’re just gonna hit you with it every episode, with something more mental than the last.

I’m like a kid having a sugar high — I can’t handle how sick these scripts are. We actually got the next load in as well and they’re really good. You know that David and Dan are really happy with a script when in the stage directions they just add their own commentary like ‘yeah, right, bitches, sixth season!’ There’s a lot of that.

Now that the books have more or less been covered, the rest of HBO's Game of Thrones should prove to be a very interesting watch, seeing has how they will deviate from the books a bit more. While I felt that Season 5 was easily the weakest so far, I'm hoping that the writers can rein it back in and return the show to its former glory. The separation from the source material will either prove to be really exciting or a total mistake. I can't wait to find out which!

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emilia-clarke-lena-headeyEmilia Clarke and Lena Headey seem friendly.


Source: Variety

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