Try and handle this Fifty Shades of Grey trailer teaser

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

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It’s been two months since we last spoke about the upcoming FIFTY SHADES OF GREY movie. It's set for release on Valentine’s Day 2015 to hordes of cat owners and people who don’t know any better. The folks behind the marketing of the movie certainly know how to play to that audience by setting up teaser posters, images, and trailers as we get closer to its world domination. Today we have a teaser for a new trailer that will hit next week on November 13th.

Here’s the brief synopsis of the film:

The highly anticipated film adaptation of the #1 bestselling book, following the relationship of 27-year-old billionaire Christian Grey and college student Anastasia Steele.

Someone get me a cigarette, I couldn't handle that heat. He had all those different ties in his drawer, what does it mean!?

The film stars Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson, Marcia Gay Harden, Jennifer Ehle, Max Martini, Luke Grimes, Rita Ora, Eloise Mumford, Dylan Neal, Victor Rasuk and Callum Keith Rennie.

FIFTY SHADES OF GREY will see you on February 13th 2015. Do you plan on checking this one out in theaters or secretly at home?

Source: Focus Features

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